Reallocate booking error code 400
under review
Jezz Santos
under review
Andrew Kissling
Hi Miriam, is the same issue you've seen before? Were you signed in a the car owner at the time?
Miriam Garcia Valencia
Andrew Kissling: Yes, the same as before and I was signed as a car owner.
Jezz Santos
Miriam Garcia Valencia: OK, so you will get a 400 if the car owner does try to extend the booking. At the moment, only the person who made the booking can extend it.
Can you describe the scenario you want to see this working for? I mean why would the car owner or operator want to extend the booking for the borrower?
If you are the operator doing this for your customer, in what interface would you be doing it for them? in the Operators dashboard?
Miriam Garcia Valencia
Jezz Santos: Hi Jezz, it is a different issue on the top.
There is a 400 error when trying to re allocate a booking from the operation dashboard. This is when a car was not returned back and we have another car to cover that booking for the user. This is not a that common situation and we can work a way around by cancelling the booking and asking the user to make another one in the car we DO have available.
The crucial one is extending a booking. This has not been tried from the operations dashboard but from the user side. We get a "The caller is not the owner of the car in the booking" error when a user tries to extent an ongoing booking.
Jezz Santos
Miriam Garcia Valencia: OK, we need to separate these issues.
- First of all, by policy the backend/API does not allow anyone except the borrower to extend the booking. Which is why the operator sees the 400 and message "The caller is not the owner of the car in the booking" - which is by design right now.
The fact that an operator/carowner can try to do this in the UI is a bug, that needs fixing either way.
We have to decide whether it makes sense, or that there is real value in allowing the carowner or operator to make this change for the borrower. And we need to understand why the borrower cant do that themselves. If we decide that then the backend can allow the carowner or operator or both to do that for the borrower.
- Secondly, the original issues was that someone? was trying to extend the booking and they got the error "Message: An item with the same key has already been added." which is definitely a bug and should never happen at any time.
We need to know who that was, and fix that issue separately.
We cannot repro #2 above. So that one is very hard to fix.
We can repro #1, the question is whether to fix it (a) to allow a carowner to do it, (b) to allow an operator to do it, and then in which interface to do it in?
Your thoughts Miriam Garcia Valencia???
Miriam Garcia Valencia
Hi Jezz, we are not understanding each other here.
- No, it is not an operator who is trying to extent a booking, is the user. It's not from the car owner profile or from the operations dashboard.
And when the user tries to extent his current booking he gets "The caller is not the owner of the car in the booking" error.
- The topic of this particular bug "Reallocate booking error code 400" is for reallocating booking (change a booking from car A to car B) who only an operator can do.
Jezz Santos
Miriam Garcia Valencia: Ah yes, sorry I was getting confused.
OK, yes two separate issues. Reallocate versus Extend.
In terms of the EXTEND booking, only the borrower can do that today. If the carowner or the operator tries it they will see the error: "The caller is not the owner of the car in the booking"
Lets decide to leave that one alone.
In terms of REALLOCATE booking, I will look further into this one, and see if we can reproduce this error: "An item with the same key has already been added."
which definitely is a problem to resolve.