Error uploading drivers license
Jezz Santos
Jezz Santos
Hi Miriam Garcia Valencia I'm going to close this one for now.
If you could try the same data that you redacted in the screenshots to confirm that its not the data causing issues in the current version, that would confirm things.
Jezz Santos
Miriam Garcia Valencia can you reproduce this?
Miriam Garcia Valencia
Jezz Santos: Hi, I did but it seem to worked fine now... will go back to you if something is reported back from users.
Jezz Santos
in progress
Jezz Santos
Hi Miriam Garcia Valencia, can you try and reproduce this in v.1.97.0.
I did some fixes to the photo upload in this version.
Are your users having problems with entering values of the dates, or values of the license number or values for the classes ?
You can see that if you click the 'Show Technical Details' button in the error message. It may describe the exact problem, if it is the actual data.
Miriam Garcia Valencia
I understand, but these screenshots are from users, who just sent us the error.
It was two different issues: they upload the pictures and got a mistake and I, as an operator, could see they had uploaded the pictures but they weren't in their profile (ss above)
The other one was with the input of the values.
I tested today and didn't find any further issues. We'll follow up to see if new users get the error and will go back if so.
Andrew Kissling
Jezz Santos: Would it be helpful to include the app version number in the red error panel? I’m wondering if this error is originating from a cached v1.96 app
Miriam Garcia Valencia
Two times, different users had the same situation with driver's license